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We are always asking our members for feedback and comments to see how we can improve and adapt to better suit the needs of mothers and parents. Here are some of the things that people have said about us…


It is inclusive, supportive, and so authentic. You have actually been where we are / still are there now.’

Group participant, 2024


‘I like that the focus is on mums and carers. I love that I can feel free to openly share feelings and thoughts without feeling judged’

Group participant, 2024


‘Focus is on Mum with lots of support for the babies / children that Mum bring along. I can’t think of any other organisation where Mum is front and centre in quite the same way.’

Group participant, 2024


‘A great programme of amazing creative events. Genuine sense of community and care. All events and meetings are accessible in terms of cost. A non-judgmental space that is warm, friendly and creative.’

Creative workshop participant, 2024


'I love the fact that it's a group about mums as humans, not a franchise based class that is about your anxiety over your baby's development'

Group participant, 2024


‘Kind people, being able to come as myself, recognizing mental health struggles, creative elements, focus on mothers.’

Group participant, 2024


‘It’s really welcoming to mums in all different situations, and whatever age their children are. Fi & Beth are very supportive and friendly and create a very positive and kind atmosphere among attendees at meetings.’

Workshop participant, 2024


'That it's a group focused on the parent, and not the children - I haven't heard of anything else like it, as it's essentially a play group for your child as they get to enjoy all the lovely toys, but it's specifically designed to be a huge source of support for the mum. I really like the style of the meetings, it sometimes reminds me of a training session at work (in a good way!) and it's a great mix of useful info sharing, non judgemental conversations and fun. It feels like a very safe space to be honest and vulnerable in, which I really appreciate. I'm having treatment for postnatal depression and recommended Becoming Mums to the assessor from Talking Therapies for her list of local self help, as I feel it's been very useful for me in managing my feelings of struggling with parenthood and losing my identity.'

Group participant, 2024


'Becoming Mums has provided me the first mums group that I actually enjoy going to. I love the monthly meet ups. I love how they provide meaningful courses. I love how everyone is welcome. I love how there is zero judgement. I love how I can be myself and not worry about anything when I'm at a session. I love the themes too.'

Group participant, 2024

National Lottery funded

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